Art rental agreement

Our art rental contract is available for download as a PDF:
Art rental contract (PDF)

Rental agreement between:
Ask for Art and
First name/last name
Postal code/town

(Please notify us immediately of any changes)

For works of art according to the list of works.
Picture change:
Takes place automatically annually
I register as desired

1 Subject matter of the contract

1.1 Work according to the list of works
1.2 The list of works is an integral part of the contract; it is deemed to be the basis of the insurance.
1.3 The rental agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature and shall be valid for a period of one year. Unless it is terminated one month before the billing period, it shall be tacitly renewed for a further year.
2 Rent/payment method

2.1 The rental fee is a flat rate of CHF per month for all works listed in the list of works.
2.2 If the work(s) is/are purchased, the lessee is entitled to a 10% reduction of the list price.
2.3 The fee shall be invoiced annually in advance.
2.4 Payment of the rental fee shall be made to the following account Owner: ask for art Bank details Baloise Bank SoBa Bank code: 45-87-4 Account number: S152679A/8334

3 Special services

Consultation is included in the rental fee. Additional costs such as transportation and hanging work will be invoiced separately.

4 Special agreements

The lessee undertakes to make the work(s) accessible to the artist and any prospective buyers by prior agreement.

5 Copyright

The works are subject to the copyright of the artist. Any reproduction of the art objects, including for private purposes, is prohibited. Exceptions are photographs of room situations in which the objects are located or after consultation.

6 Liability/insurance

The hirer shall ensure careful handling of the borrowed art object(s), especially as he/she shall be held liable for any damage or loss (to the object, plinth or framing).

7 Final provisions

7.1 Amendments must be made in writing.
7.2 Insofar as no provisions are made above, Swiss law shall apply.
7.3 The place of jurisdiction is Solothurn.

Place, date:
ask for art user
Signature Signature